When students gather in Kat Lee’s art studio on the fifth floor of Jesuit Hall, 他们可以正确地为自己开发的项目工作. 通常, 媒介和主题由他们决定, 在和李商量之后, 谁经常和他们一起工作, 模特如何成为一名艺术家, 如何充分发挥工作室的潜力.
李和她的同事詹娜·罗宾逊, 预备学院美术与表演艺术系主任, 是“基于选择的艺术教育家”吗,” allowing students the opportunity to explore their creative ideas.
“冰球突破豪华版官网开始, 当然, by teaching the craft and hold them accountable with high expectations,李说. “在那之后, 然而, we allow them the flexibility and creativity to get there themselves, 找到自己的路.”
Robinson says that it is important to ensure that the student artists have the groundwork. “We teach all of the necessary skills at the beginning so they have that knowledge,她说。. 以真正耶稣会教育的方式, we also reflect as we go to ensure that they are really learning the lessons.”
艺术老师促进以项目为基础的课程. “它非常以学生为中心,”罗宾逊说. “Their voice, their agency, is at the center of everything.”